Mondia-Dilogie 2: Twisted Treason
Alexandra Flint
Gilded 2: Cursed – Der Fluch des Mondes
Marissa Meyer
Goddess of Fury 2: Deine Seele so golden
Teresa Sporrer
All The Hidden Monsters 1: All The Hidden Monsters
Amie Jordan
Die Spurenfinder und das Drachenzepter
Marc-Uwe Kling
A Heart of Shadow and Magic: Nachtfunken
Asuka Lionera
Die Sonnenfeuer-Ballade 3: A Kiss to end a Song
Julia Dippel
Royals of Nightfall. Dämonenfluch (Royal Shadows 1)
Julia Kuhn
Blood Over Bright Haven
M.L. Wang
St. Gloria College 1: Game of Hearts
Yvonne Westphal
Hardest Part 3: Leaving Was The Hardest Part
Rabia Doğan
A Heart of Shadow and Magic: Schattenleuchten
Nightbirds 2: Das Herz des Goldfinks
Kate J. Armstrong
Married into Magic 2: Dance with the Fae Prince
Elise Kova
Legacy of Stars 2: Gefallene Finsternis
Dana Müller-Braun
How To Find A Fallen Star (New York Magics 2)
Lily S. Morgan
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